this is me

Mom. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Teacher. Colleague. Mentor. Employee. Insert your label here. All the things to all the people. All of the time. And, once upon a time, I got lost. Disconnected. From me. Woman. Lori Ann. Where was I? Who was I? At my core? What did I desire? What brought me Joy? Lit me up? Fueled and ignited me? I had no idea. I found myself surviving… and far from thriving. So began the dismantling, the shedding, of what was not serving my life, of what was distracting me and numbing out the essence of me. Little by little, I returned. There I was… buried under years – decades – of rubble. Just waiting to be discovered, uncovered, remembered.
I am creating my life
Five seemingly inconsequential words spoken to me by a stranger in an airport. They landed deep within me and stirred something inexplicable then. They rerouted the way I looked at, and lived, my life from that day forward. They would become my mantra. I have been CREATING my beautiful, courageous life ever since. Intentionally. Deliberately. One sunrise at a time.
I live in the beautiful Okanagan Valley of British Columbia with my youngest daughter and our fur babies. I am Mom to two amazing young women. I am learner and seeker, dreamer, and believer of magic. I absolutely love my life and the woman that I have become, as I have worked hard to become her.

... and this is what I do

I help you CREATE the courageous life you dream of living, find and dissolve that which keeps you from living that way, and discover the unique gift of YOU.
​Maybe you don't even know where to start… let me help
​Maybe you don't even know what your dreams are, because you don't even remember who you are at your essence, your core… let me help
Maybe you have a dream but something is blocking you/ stopping you from moving towards it… let me help
Maybe you don't believe you're worthy of such dreams – I'm here to tell you that YOU ARE! – let me help
Maybe you believe you’re too old, too overweight, too selfish, too poor, too far gone – you're not! – let me help
You are comfortable, but wish for more courage… let me help
You just need to be witnessed, acknowledged, held in an accepting, compassionate space... let me help
You're at a new stage in life and are ready to design your next chapter... let me help
You keep arriving at the same place, different time... let me help
You're at a crossroads, and don't know how to make the big (or small) decisions... let me help
​You know there's got to be something more, but feel stuck, blocked, stagnant… let me help
You know where you wish to go, but not how to get there… let me help
You believe you are not "good enough", "smart enough", "skinny enough", "fit enough" – ENOUGH! – let me help
If you want to change an outer vision, you must first change the inner vision. The GOLD already lies within YOU, let me help you mine for it!
Things I know to be true... from experience!

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
It's not the wine, the shopping, the food, or the scrolling that is the problem… it's why we’re using it and what we're using it to distract from.
Your heart doesn't lie… if it speaks – listen up!
If you wish to feel joyful, find what brings you joy and do more of that.
If you wish to feel beautiful, find what makes you feel most beautiful + throw the rest away
Gratitude creates Joy, not the other way around.
Life is Brutiful (coined by the brilliant Glennon Doyle) – both Beautiful and Brutal, and mine is no exception. The carpet can sweep out from beneath your feet and make your knees buckle at any given moment – no one is exempt. Again... pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
Life is not linear. It is cyclical like the seasons. If you are in the fertile void of Winter, know that the bright green shoots of Spring will appear once again. I promise. Be patient… the seasons don’t force themselves to come any faster than they do. We don’t need to either.
Parenting is the hardest, most beautiful job on the Planet.
Getting older is a blessing and a privilege... one denied some of my most favourite people.
The anticipation of the line in the sand is far more difficult than actually finally drawing it!
When you know… you know. Nuff said!
40 + years is far too long to waste precious time and energy on throwing hate and resentment at my body – I have no more time for that shit!
Living an intentional life, designing my one most beautiful and precious life, is the best, most important work I've ever done. Nothing lights me up like this work!
If any of this has landed for you, if you've heard a #metoo in here or a Hell YES! You might be ready to invest in this beautiful important work too! I would be honoured to help you design your one wild and precious life.
My Mission
​It is my mission to inspire as many women (and men too!) as possible to create the beautiful, thriving lives they were meant to live – to know who they are at their soul level and what they love – what lights them up from the inside out – and to live from that beautiful, intentional place.
I believe with my whole heart that we each have a unique gift to share with the world, and that this gift is found in our own healing… that this is light that only we have to shine. My desire is to help guide others to find this gift – this light - within themselves, one courageous woman at a time.
Are you that woman? Are you ready? I'm so excited for YOU!